Energia: Soluzioni TEcnologiche per l’Integrazione del fotovoltaICO in architettura e nel paesaggio
The project aims to develop solutions for coloring silicon panels without significantly affecting their performance. It proposes using innovative colored polymeric encapsulants with fluorescent dyes to enhance light recovery through fluorescence emission.
ERC-2022-ADG MaMa
In-silico Models for the Design of Mechanochromic Functionalized Polymers
The MaMa project aims to develop integrated computational approaches to describe and design new mechanochromic materials. SPG is part of the project coordinated by Prof. Carlo Adamo of the École nationale supérieure de chimie of Paris, France.
Luminescent solar Concentrators based on recycled methylmethacrylate and Eco-compatible materials
The goal of LUCE is the realization of LSC slabs from recycled MMA (r-MMA) obtained from thermal depolymerization processes, thus reducing fossil resources utilization and CO2 emissions.
Membranes and ionomers with ionic conductivity
The goal of the project is the preparation, characterization and test of novel polymer matrices with ionic exchange sites
Next-generation redox POlymers for Lithium and POst-Lithium organic BATTeries
The POLiBATT project focuses on the development of innovative materials for the preparation of high-performance organic electrodes that can find application in lithium and post-lithium organic batteries.
RSC Research Fund MP3
Multi-potent precursor approach for the preparation of conjugated polymers with complementary electronic properties
The MP3 projects aims to develop innovative synthetic approaches and fabrication strategies for the preparation of high-molecular weight conjugated materials through a precursor approach and implement them in organic electronic devices.
Industrial projects
Controlled thermolysis of recycled polymeric materials (IPOOL)
This project focuses on the thermolysis of recycled polymer for innovative and sustainable bituminous compounds for application in resilient low-noise asphalts and "warm asphalt" with high content of reclaimed asphalt pavement.